Garter Stitch State of Mind

Garter Stitch State of Mind

Posted by Kathleen Logan on 19th Jun 2024

June 23, 2017 and I sit on the porch in a garter stitch state of mind. My ability to purl, cable, read graphs, patterns or decipher seems to have gone the way of winter and spring. I want to bask in the ease that summer can be and allow for growth and regeneration and most definitely a new perspective that allows more fun, creativity and overall goodness. I love the ease and comfort of the constant knit stitch. Easy to pick up and simple to put down.

Jun 19, 2024. I found this writing in the archives of my computer and it once again resonates with me. This week I have turned to garter stitch looking for a simple way of soothing my soul as I navigate a life forever changed but so very much the same. The project bags in my room upstairs did not disappoint. A blanket started last year, a scarf begun last year as well, tumbled from their bags as I tipped them looking for the treasure within. Big Wool Merino, with a 10mm needle 40 stitches cast on ready for me to continue on. Stanley Cup Hockey finals, Comox Camembert, La Frenz Sauvignon Blanc and garter stitch. This scarf will be big and long and I imagine wrapping myself in it comforted and warm. The other bag was filled with Diamond Luxury Impression, a wool, alpaca, viscose blend and a 3.75mm needle 46 sts. cast on. This is a blanket design from Noro Magazine, # . 15 garter stitch bumps for each colour knit in long scarf like strips then sewed together. Perfect for my garter stitch state of mind.

This morning the sun shines and I sit imaging putting the boat on the lake and taking my knitting and relaxing building another state of mind that could include, fair isle, cables and maybe even crochet. Here’s to summer.
